Monday 11 April 2016

Thoughts from a Beast

Well, dearies, I have decided to write my own small entry in this blog.  Got to help the staff out sometimes I suppose and my recent captive has been severely occupied, I will not tell you with what, let us just say it was most pleasurable.

Ah well, my new hostage swears I look like some strange looking human actor (whatever they are, dearie?) called Robert Carlyle. He looks nothing like me! For a start he does not have my scaly skin, my black fingernails and the hair is entirely odd looking. My hair is crimped to perfection.

So, dearies, my hostage has seen the story so far through the use of my mirror - when I can get her up and normal I will order her to write a review.  I tell you one thing that makes me deliciously happy - my hostage loathes Regina. There is hope for her yet! As for what I feel about my new hostage...

She's not Belle but she is extremely pretty, don't you think, dearies...

And I am a beast, after all!

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