Sunday 24 April 2016

Target Practice

Target Practice

Finally Emma found the badge she once wore in the top of her desk drawer and walked out of the office. Rather awkwardly Nyssa stood by the bars, gazing at the sparse bed.  Shuddering Nyssa turned around at the sound of Emma’s cough. Her friend seemed troubled by the cell, Emma observed. She walked towards Nyssa, sending a smile of encouragement her way. “The cell could be worse,” she said to Nyssa.

Stroking the bars Nyssa sighed, “I suppose but it is so small.”

Rubbing her hand on Nyssa’s back Emma brought her close in a half hug. “It is meant to be,” she said.

Glancing away Nyssa spotted what Emma was handing to her. A glint of gold with black inlaid text and design. “This is necessary,” Emma said once Nyssa held it. Nyssa weighed the badge in her hand and glanced at where Emma wore hers, “here,” Emma took the pin and bent down putting the accessory to her new friend’s belt. “There, now any questions?”

“Several,” Nyssa sighed, “I was once accused of being an um accessory to murder?”

“Could the charges stick?”

“No, and when everyone realised we were telling the truth we were pardoned.”

“Nothing to worry about,” Emma said. “Look, just follow my lead and try and stay out of trouble.”

“You sounded just like the Doctor,” Nyssa smiled. “So, what is there to do? Paperwork? Want some food?”

“No and no,” Emma put her fingers in her jeans pockets, “it is quite boring actually;” with a sigh and a grin Emma said, “we sit and wait for something to happen.”

“If you are not satisfied with your job, Acting Sheriff,” Emma rolled her eyes and her head whilst turning around to look at the bane of her life rolling her tongue around her cheeks in an act of petulant defiance: “I am sure you can be placed somewhere else,” Nyssa made a quick instinctive grab for Emma’s hand. Almost frozen to the spot by the sound of this woman’s voice. “Who is your little friend, Miss Swan?”

“The new Acting Sergeant Nyssa …”, Emma turned to her friend and decided to make a surname from what she knew of her, “Albright.”


“Nyssa Albright.” the young woman said confidently tilting her chin up. “May I ask whom you are - we briefly met last night but not formally.”

“I am the town Mayor, Regina Mills, Miss Albright,” with a sneer Regina glared at the young woman. “How old are you; 15?” the sarcasm dripped from her voice in a black unctuous poisoned timbre.

“18,” Nyssa said, “though the way I live I could be 500,” Emma snorted with laughter.

Regina turned around facing Emma: “I am supposed to sleep soundly in my bed whilst you appoint a mere child to help protect our streets, Acting Sheriff Swan?” putting her hands on her hips Regina narrowed her eyes, “why am I not surprised?”

Hardening her eyes Nyssa grabbed the gun lying on the desk turned around, planted her feet, released the catch and shot a bullet through the bars of the cell into the wall and turned back to the Mayor - rolling the trigger around her finger wearing the gun like a ring and gazed fiercely at her: “I think you can trust me, Madam Mayor,” she said, pocketing the gun: “I can shoot straight through any target you put me in front of,” Regina stepped up to the bars and glanced at the spent bullet and back to the girl. “My father,” Nyssa said, “he made sure I was taught how to defend myself. This is a primitive weapon but I feel I can keep your beautiful, idyllic home safe.”

“So, do you trust my judgement now?” Emma asked standing between Nyssa and the Mayor.  Protecting her friend from Regina’s silent fury.

Regina arched one of her dark eyebrows and curled her lips slightly at the corner: “Fine,” she nodded her head, “let the child kill herself, Acting Sheriff.”

Once her back was turned Nyssa glanced at Emma.  “How do you spell your name, Miss Albright?”

“N-y-s-s-a,” Nyssa said, “A-l-b-r-i-g-h-t,” a little frustration showed in her eyes: “why?”

“Paperwork,” Regina said.  “Where are you staying?”

“With us,” Emma said.

“Did I not see Mr Gold walking from the direction of your home early this morning?”

“Collecting rent,” Emma said quickly.

Regina turned around again and properly observed Nyssa head to toe. Yes, her eyes hardened, deepened to an almost black. Somewhat similar, Regina thought; bright blue eyes, maybe slightly smaller in the waist,  thicker hair but definitely comparable in hue. Not quite, Regina shook her head, definitely enough to make Gold want to stay for a whole night over just to be with her.

It sickened Regina that even Mr Gold could fall for the first pair of big blue eyes he came across. “You could do with some advice,” Regina walked closer to Nyssa and bent her head forward: “stay away from Gold, he is poisonous and you,” she extended her hand and stroked along Nyssa’s jawline, “are such a young innocent that I would hate you to be heartbroken especially by someone as dark as he is.”

“I thank you for your concern Madam Mayor,” Nyssa said respectfully swiping Regina’s hand away from her face, “but my father always taught me that we must make our own mistakes in our life. That is how we learn to become better individuals.”

“It’s good that you still listen to your father,” Regina said. “If you still care for him why are you not with him?”

“It is hard to be with someone dead, Madam Mayor,” Nyssa said, “Hard to live somewhere that no longer exists.”

Emma thought she saw a flicker of something other than hate shine in Regina’s eyes: “I understand that pain all too well, dear!”

Another cough sounded out from behind them. Rolling her eyes Emma decided to sit down and watch this one out. “Regina,” the Mayor turned around, “getting to know our new friend, I see.”

“Do you not have a shop to run, Mr Gold?”

“Yes, I do but I came here to drop something off for Nyssa,” he leaned on his cane tilting his head to the side and frowned at the sight of Regina that close to Nyssa.

“Miss Albright, Mr Gold,” Regina watched whilst Gold hobbled around the room and stood between Nyssa and Regina, “unless you have become spectacular friends overnight,” she smirked, “I am sure she would prefer to be known as Miss Albright.”

“Miss Albright, then,” Mr Gold glanced briefly at Emma who just shrugged her shoulders. “I am sure you have seen enough.”

“Not quite, I think I need to see how accurately; at a distance, Miss Albright can shoot.”

Mr Gold sniffed and looked at the ceiling: “I am sure there will be time for that later,” he said with slight smirk towards Regina’s way, he then turned his head and pointed his finger to the hole in the wall, “unless Acting Sheriff Swan was in a particularly bad mood when she got into work this morning I would say this is Miss Albright’s handiwork, and quite impressive it is.”

“Short range, Mr Gold.”

To keep the peace Nyssa was about to say she did not mind but Mr Gold looked at Regina: “Please, Regina. I am sure Acting Sheriff Swan and Acting Sergeant Albright has a lot to do.”

With his other hand he led Nyssa past Regina and sat her down on the chair, Nyssa felt the urge to sit on her hands or she would just cling onto that hair.  Regina walked up to the pair well aware Emma’s gaze followed her every step. “I really would feel better…”

“Did you not hear me, Regina, I said please let the two bonnie lassies get on with their job.”

Taking a stiff sigh Regina gazed deep into Mr Gold’s wide, soft dark brown eyes for a second. Gritting her teeth, casting a spiteful look at Emma and an almost sympathetic glance at Miss Albright, she walked out of the room.  The click clack of her heels echoed down with each step. Nyssa winced when she heard the Mayor slam a door. “Thank you, Mr Gold,” she sighed.

“So, it’s Miss Albright now is it, dear?” he smiled.

“Emma helped with that one.”

“Resourceful,” he flicked the tail of his coat behind him as he sat at the corner of Nyssa’s desk. “I came here to offer you a place to stay.”

“She is fine to stay with us,” Emma said.

“With all due respect, Miss Swan,” he turned around tilting his head causing his hair to fall almost within Nyssa’s grasp. “We do not know how long our guest is going to be with us,” he turned around, “as I recall Mary Margaret only has one other room; of which you occupy,” Mr Gold sent a mischievous wink Emma’s way, “sleeping on the sofa is not exactly comfortable now.”

Emma narrowed her eyes. At times she hated Gold more than Regina, at others it was the other way around. This morning she was not sure - it was 50/50 on whom she would kill if she had the chance too.

“I could stay at Granny’s…”, Nyssa suggested as a compromise. Now he turned towards her. Both sides of his hair flopped over his face and Nyssa had to bite her lip and trap her hands underneath her legs to stop herself from kissing him, “... couldn’t I?”

“You could, Miss Albright but you said you need protecting,” Mr Gold hooked the cane over his arm. Gently he stroked the side of her cheek, making her sigh into his palm, “I can offer you a rather vast roof over your head. An extremely soft bed,” he leaned further forward and Nyssa hesitantly released her hands and tenderly brushed aside his hair from his own face, “besides, I’ve been rather lonely of late,” he winked, “I could do with someone to have a conversation with over the dinner table.”

“What about the Doctor?” Nyssa gulped. This was not fair, she wanted Mr Gold alone and do things she only heard through some of Tegan’s stories. “Shouldn’t he …” no, she was going to try and make her own decisions.

“The Doctor is guesting at Granny’s,”Mr Gold sighed, “can he not look after himself?”

“I suppose,” Nyssa blushed at how selfish she was being to the Doctor by preferring to be with Mr Gold, “how big is your home?”

Gold leaned forward smirking wickedly; “You mean how many bedrooms?” his dark voice planted all sorts of images in Nyssa’s head.

Glowing crimson, Nyssa fiddled her fingers in her lap. The idea of being alone with this man frightened her but more in a wonderful way. A way that offered her a different adventure. The as yet unexplored alleyways of her heart. Turning to Emma she smiled: “I hope you do not think any the less of me if I take Mr Gold’s offer up.”

“Oh no,” Emma said directing a narrow eyed glare at Mr Gold’s smug profile. “I’ve changed my mind, Nyssa. I could do with a cup of coffee after all - I will get some money out of the kitty for you.”

Swinging around, Emma got up and tried not to look at Mr Gold - how is he doing this? What does he want with Nyssa? There must be some other motive! With her keys from her pocket Emma opened it and saw a dollar - and 20 cents. That would not give Nyssa enough. She rifled through her bag and found her purse. Three dollars. THREE DOLLARS? Where had her money disappeared too? $4 would be just enough for her.

“Why does Madam Mayor stop every time you say please?” she heard Nyssa ask.

“Our Mayor may be a dragon, dear,” Emma scoffed slightly, pot kettle black - shaking her head she was lost in rummaging around her purse just to see if there could be the wonderful chance of a $20 note in the corner somewhere. “A nasty scaly dragon - but even dragons respect manners. Please, thank you - politeness is key!”

Rolling her eyes, Emma dove her head right in the bag just in case.

“What is the matter, Miss Swan?”

Shocked and embarrassed Emma brought her head back out of the purse to face Gold’s knowing smirk, “No money.”

“You clearly want to talk to me alone,” he said. Emma folded her arms making sure he did not step near her, “so I have handed Nyssa $50, as a gesture of goodwill, so you can have decent lunch too,” Emma smiled in disbelief and shook her head, “she offered her sincerest thanks, Miss Swan.”

“I bet she did.”

“Now we can have our little chat.”

Marching forward, Emma slammed the palms of her hands down on the desk and glared at him. “You better treat that young woman the way she deserves or I will stick my heel into your face and kick your head through the mud.”

“Ah, you are questioning my motives, Miss Swan,” Mr Gold leant on his cane, “what could they be? I have no reason to harm the creature. If anything I feel we have something in common,” Emma arched an eyebrow and set her lips thin turning them white, “she has no attachments, and neither do I.”

“Separate bedrooms,” Emma straightened up, walked slowly around her desk, keeping her eyes on Mr Gold; he just stared straight at her keeping his usual cool. “You got it, the farthest one from your own!”

Mr Gold leaned even further forward shaking his hair out of his face: “My house, Miss Swan, my rules,” he snarled flashing his gold tooth, “Nyssa needs to harness that power within her. With her father dead,” he turned around to make sure no one else was here, “who else can’t but help to fill the void?”

“Oh but you want to be so much more than a father to her, Mr Gold,” Emma whispered, “it’s sick because you could be her father twice over!”

Laughing a little Mr Gold gazed through his long eyelashes at Emma: “Probably,” he said with a smirk, “but it is not illegal, is it?”

“No, but it is morally apprehensive.”

“Apprehensive morality is just a state of mind, and how do you, (here he pointed his finger at Emma’s sceptical look), know that an older man would not be in Nyssa’s best interests.” Mr Gold shook his head, “I have things to be getting on with - in your wee lunch hour just come to my shop.”


“So that Nyssa can pick something out for herself, I promised her a present, remember?”

Smiling Emma looked down on the floor still with her arms folded and tapping her fingers on her arm: “So you are capable of honoring some promises?”

“To cheer a grief-stricken young woman - yes,” he said indignancy shone in his eyes, clearly Emma had insulted him, “what sort of a monster do you think I am, Miss Swan?”

“I do not think you are a monster, just an untrustworthy son of a bitch.”

“An untrustworthy son of a bitch,” he muttered naughtily, he licked his lips and smiled properly, “yes, I am that, Emma. Let me remind you,” he leaned on his cane again, “you had dinner with me last night.”

“No need to remind me of that mistake,” Emma sighed. “I promise it won’t happen again.”

“Someday, Emma, you will have to let your walls down,” Mr Gold’s eye twinkled, “not yet, it’s too soon, but you are going to realise your own vulnerability!”

“You always speak in riddles, Gold.”

“That is why I like Nyssa, she loves to crack them.”

Emma turned to the burn mark on the cell wall and back to Gold: “I suppose if you do try something she can kick you against the wall.”

“Do you always think the worse of people, Miss Swan?”

“Prove me wrong,” she said. “I may respect you but don’t push it.”

“Then trust me with Nyssa,” Mr Gold said stroking the gold top of his cane. “That is how I can prove you wrong.”

Sighing Emma knew she had lost: “Alright, alright,” she said, “I won’t try and talk her out of it.”

“Thank you.”

Nyssa stood outside the blue boarded cafe and swallowed, there have been times when she had used money but this was the first time without the Doctor. Hesitantly, she tried to take a step but fear gripped her. “Can I help you?” a young man said. Could be handsome if his eyes were not lit with an uncomfortable somewhat leering gleam in his eyes.

“Who are you?”

“Dr Whale.”

“Oh, I am Acting Sergeant Albright.”

“What part of England are you from?”

“Sussex,” Nyssa said immediately. Seemed right.

“Oh right,” Whale said, “let me help you in.”

It was at this point Ruby stepped around from the alley: “Hey!” she said making the pair turn around, whoever she was Nyssa was grateful and allowed the young woman to link arms. “You must be Nyssa!”

“Heard of me?”

“The Doctor talks about you,” she said, “but I heard all what went on last night.”


“I don’t know. Sometimes I get extra sensitive in my sight, hearing and smell.”

“What is your name then?”

“Ruby Lucas.”

“Nyssa Albright. Acting Sergeant whilst I am here.”

“Cool!” Ruby said, “can’t wait to hang out with you.”

“Hang out?” Nyssa furrowed her brow. Ruby opened the door and Nyssa walked in. Granny was everything Nyssa hoped she would be.

“Yeah, girls night - drinks, ya know - find a bit of fun for the night!”

Granny heard and shook her head: “Ruby!”

Ruby rolled her eyes: “Call me,” she said handing Nyssa a menu and writing her number on it, “you look like you could do with a bit of r and r.”

“RUBY!” Granny yelled. “I need you here!”

Sighing dramatically Ruby patted Nyssa’s arm and mouthed later. Smiling Nyssa looked at the young woman and at the number. No one had ever wanted to invite her out for some drinks. Everyone had just seen her as this sweet innocent girl. No more, she thought narrowing her eyes, I have to grow up sometime. I have to understand Earth culture as we seem to end up here all the time. How can I do that with the Doctor at my side? How can I learn with him breathing down my neck treating me like his little sister? I rescued him for crying out loud. I tasered guards to free him, and my father, from prison. The Doctor even said then that he wanted to remain on the right side of me. Yet I get treated like - like…

“Acting Sergeant Albright.”

“Madam Mayor,” Nyssa sighed digging her nails into her palm.

Immediately Ruby stepped around the counter flexing her wrists. Granny stared fiercely ahead fiddling about with her glasses, willing to step in at the first sign of trouble.

“Now I have you away from Mr Gold and Acting Sheriff Swan - why do we not have a woman to woman chat?” Regina indicated a spare seat elegantly with her hand, “I’ll pay.”

“Mr Gold has already given me $50.”

“Loaned,” Regina said, “Mr Gold is never generous enough to give money. He is the least charitable man I know.”

Nyssa lowered her eyelids and gulped down. This was the first time she had to do this by herself. For herself. The last time she was faced with a woman like this was on her own planet. The one who … Then there was that other thing, an Urbankan - trying to explain love to an alien amphibian was quite daunting but she did it, and did it well. If only Adric managed to keep his mouth shut. No, that was unfair on Adric.

“Charity may have nothing to do with this, Madam Mayor. Acting Sheriff Swan was going to pay for it…”

Regina interrupted: “So he does want the money back?”

“I will ask him later,” Nyssa said meeting the older woman’s gaze.

They were sat opposite each other as Ruby handed them their drinks with some to go for Emma and some food. Fresh, warm baked pastries this close were almost enough to make Nyssa lose her cool. She could not remember the last time she had smelled that kind of comforting scent.

“I understand you and your friend are here for the duration?”

“Yes,” Nyssa sipped the hot coffee, “why?”

“Oh no reason,” Regina smiled as she took a genteel sip of her beverage. “He is rather a dish, isn’t he?”

Now Nyssa snapped her eyes up and glared at the Mayor: “The Doctor is above all that.”

“Oh is that his craft?”

Nyssa did not like the twist of the woman’s lips just then. The red lips blurred in Nyssa’s vision to that of blood. Blinking and shaking her head she put her attention back on the mug, stroking the warm sides tenderly trying to ignore the woman  in front of her.

“Have you said your piece?” she muttered.

“Yes,” Regina almost purred, “I have. One last thing, Miss Albright, there are two people you do not want to cross in this town - and I am one of them.”

Tilting her head slightly Nyssa peered through the long eyelashes and latched a fierce gaze onto the Mayor: “That you love shall become your hate,” she said in an almost rasping voice, “your spiteful words is all you will say if you carry on down this path of fear!” Regina shifted uncomfortably in her seat as Nyssa’s eyes almost changed colour, the young woman was not playing with her. Regina knew power. Here it was sitting right in front of her, “Darkened roads lies ahead for you if you do not find the love that lies deep within your soul!”

Suddenly Nyssa’s eyes returned to normal hue and she brushed aside some of her hair coolly sipping her coffee: “What was that supposed to mean?” Regina hissed leaning forward, “you had best watch your step, Miss Albright!”

Everyone stopped what they were doing - this was more exciting than the headline news: “I do, all the time,” Nyssa smiled facing the Mayor, “it saves me having to bump into things!”

Ruby hid her smile behind her hand and even Granny whipped the lips up at the corners. “I see Acting Sheriff Swan is already rubbing off on you, Miss Albright!”

Shrugging her shoulders Nyssa continued drinking her coffee and looked over Madam Mayor’s shoulder: “Right,” she said standing up, “you wanted me to show you how I can defend this lovely dwelling?”

Regina shook her head, seemingly Mr Gold’s misdirection had also affected her: “I did, didn’t I?”

“Well then, if there is an alleyway or wide opening you set up the targets - find a person to tackle me and I will show you what, exactly, I can do!”

“How about 3:30pm -behind this cafe?”

“Deal!” Nyssa said.

Once she finished her coffee Nyssa stood up: “I hope you know what you are doing, Acting Sergeant Albright,” the Mayor replied, decorating her face with a smug smile that made her look triumphant of winning before Nyssa had begun.

“I do, Madam Mayor,” Nyssa picked up the bag of fresh food and the tray holder with drinks, “I have been learning self-defence since I was 3!” the Mayor shook her head, “and incidentally,” Nyssa bent down and loudly whispered, “I was teaching by the time I was 10!”

“Does not mean you are any good!”

Doctor Whale walked by and, without turning around Nyssa extended the arm she held the bag of pastries in right where his jugular was, causing him fall on the floor with eyes bulging out of their sockets: “Meet you on the battlefield, my fair Queen!” Nyssa murmured softly in Regina’s ear.

Then Nyssa coolly walked out of the cafe to a slow but appreciative clap that built into a roar of acceptance. This stranger had now become one of them and they would love her till the end of time.

Seething. Annoyed. Not often confused.  Regina sat staring at the seat which Miss Albright had previously occupied, a deeply furrowed brow creased her forehead as her lips pursed. How did Nyssa know who she really was?

That power was only ever displayed in her realm - in what was her realm - it was not exactly something you could give with a touch of the hand. Yet she did not recognise her from that realm. Other portals? Other Princesses? Other worlds with their own brand of magic? Just what had Mr Gold conveniently left out? Huffing with displeasure Regina threw the money, (no tip), on her table and stormed out.

“Wow!” Ruby said turning to her grandma. “That new girl is awesome.”

“She has a rather brave spirit I will grant you that,” Granny said with a smirk, “let us hope it does not get her into trouble.”


The shock was clear in Emma’s face as she dropped her chocolate eclair. “You agreed?”

Shrugging her shoulders Nyssa bit into her chocolate cheesecake. Mr Gold stood by the bars his head to the side, disappointment clear on his face. Still, Nyssa was young and Regina was most persuasive. “I’m sorry,” Nyssa said, “but if I have to be around that woman it is best for the Doctor’s safety to do what she says.”

“You really think she would destroy the Doctor?” Emma asked swinging on the chair.

“I do not think,” Nyssa sighed. “I know!”

Tutting quite loudly Mr Gold stared at her. “Whilst it can be all fine and dandy to compromise, Nyssa,” she turned around and looked at him. That hair so reminded her of her father’s, she used to brush it every morning and wash it every night. “Regina comes with provisos. She most certainly does not have a cheat sheet.”

“Yes, I get that,” Nyssa finished her cheesecake and brushed crumbs off her fingers, Emma threw her some wipes so that Nyssa could clean her hands, “but I am getting more and more aggravated by the fact that everyone I meet views me as this poor helpless child!”

“Proving yourself to Regina is a sure fire way to get you killed,” Mr Gold said trying to keep his cane steady.

“I never thought I’d say this,” Emma gulped down her last bite, “but I agree with Mr Gold!”

“Well, I fully intend to honor the agreement,” Nyssa murmured, “and it is not like I have not done things like this before. Once I was on some Planet where I was beaten up by thugs because I was considered beautiful! I survived that,” both Emma and Nyssa flinched at the sound of Mr Gold’s cane thumping hard on the floor. “I think I can survive what other things comes my way.”

“Well,” Mr Gold could barely contain his snarl. “I will leave you two ladies to it,”  he limped forward and stopped by Nyssa just to steal a lingering glance. By all that was dark in him she was pretty! All he wanted to do was to fulfill his twisted desires - and something told him she wished to have some of hers taken care of too, “I will pick you up at 6pm,” he put his hand on her shoulder firmly, the touch comforted her, “be careful, Nyssa.”

“I will be,” Nyssa craned her neck up with a grin plastered on her face as she reached up to stroke his hand, “I hope you are not angry with me?”

“No,” he said smiling - Emma could see it was genuine - it was strange how handsome he was when he did show something real. “No, I am not,” Mr Gold muttered something under his breath which Emma wished she could hear. “Promise me you will be alive at 6pm?”

Laughing Nyssa turned her head and planted a kiss on his deliciously minty scented wrist. The touch brought him back to his senses as he stared at the innocent expression of joy in her eyes. Damasked silken flesh against his little exposed skin made him almost pick her up and carry her out of there: “I will be.” she whispered.

Squeezing her shoulder he leaned down and pecked her forehead: “Come and get your present later,” he said. With that Mr Gold finally left the Sheriff’s Office.
A huge sigh of relief from Emma made Nyssa turn around and give her a quizzical stare. “Now,” Emma said, “you can tell me what you did not tell him!”

“Am I really that bad a liar?” Nyssa said blushing.

“No, I just have an extra sense about these things.”

“Okay, I did not want him to worry more about me.”

“How about you let me do some worrying?” Emma said, “come on, tell me.”

Nyssa proceeded to tell Emma the vision she had and what she said to the Mayor. Widening her eyes Emma laughed at the goodbye line Nyssa delivered. “Wow, I would so have paid to have seen that!”

“I think I scared her.”

“Trust me,” Emma said leaning forward, “nothing can scare that bitch!”


Mary was packing away after the last class whilst the children were in recess - making sure the room was clean for the next one when she heard a knock on the door.

“Oh hello!” Mary blinked. “Um, Doctor…?”

“Smith!” the Doctor replied. Using his Earth pseudonym. “John Smith.”

“Dr John Smith,” Mary bobbed her head with a smile. “Can I help you in any way?”

“Yes, I am looking for Nyssa.”

Mary sighed and put the books down on her desk and walked up to the Doctor: “She should be at the Sheriff’s Office with Emma.”

“Why is she there?”

“Working,” Mary said. “Emma’s recruited her as Acting Sergeant to her Acting Sheriff!”

“But Nyssa’s just a child,” The Doctor said.

“A child?” Mary laughed, “I feel that she is more grown up than you think she is.”

“Maybe, they do grow up fast do they not?”

“I,” Mary tilted her head, “wouldn’t know,” the Doctor glanced at Mary remembering the time he had travelled with school teachers. Ian Chesterton (Science) and Barbara Wright (history) -  his first human companions. Miss Blanchard could almost have been their daughter, “so, I take it you’re leaving.”

“Unfortunately my means of transportation out of here still is not ready to leave.”

“I am sorry about that,” Mary sighed, “are you still staying at Granny’s?”

“I suppose I am,” the Doctor thrust his hands in his trouser pockets flicking his frock coat aside, “do these children know how to play cricket?”

“That’s a British Sport, isn’t it?”

“Yes - it is,” the Doctor sighed, “but India, Australia, Hong Kong - have all played it too.”

“You do not mind your friend being Acting Sergeant then?”

“No,” the Doctor frowned, “she rescued me from Prison a day after I met her. She is not one to be on the wrong side of, that much I can tell you.” Nodding Mary looked out of the window and saw Henry sitting on a bench watching the other children play, “I understand Nyssa is staying with you?”

“She is,” Mary said - trying to gauge the Doctor but he was almost as enigmatic as Mr Gold. “Mr Gold brought her over in his arms. She had collapsed and had a very odd panic attack!”

“Oh no,” the Doctor closed his eyes, tilted his head back and gulped. “I was afraid that is what it was.”

“So you know about her…”

“Ability to tell short range futures - to be able to sense danger before it happens?” he glanced down into Mary’s lovely eyes, “yes, her step-mother had that ability too.”

“Step-mother?” Mary blinked, folding her arms, “she did not mention that.”

“She would not,” the Doctor sighed, “she barely had time to call her step-mother before rotten poison seeped into their relationship,” The Doctor was beginning to sound like Henry, “I am sure they liked each other at one time but it would have been disastrous further down the line.”

“What happened to her real mom?”

“Died, at the birth. It seems that she was delicate and Nyssa’s powers were evident then.”

Mary glanced at the Doctor’s profile. Handsome. Blond. Kind. No wonder Nyssa was so tender towards him. Turning around she began picking more things from the floor. The Doctor heard her and decided to help her. Bending down he began picking at broken crayons and pencils along with torn pieces of paper: “I have great admiration for those who can teach. I try to but I often find myself getting frustrated,” he said to her. “I feel sometimes that it is a shame no one has my knowledge and yet the knowledge I hold is more than enough to fill four different galaxies.”

“Science is the one thing I cannot really do, I have to explain how certain theories work and I do not quite understand it,” Mary replied. “I am more into telling stories.”

“The best way to learn!” The Doctor smiled. Mary blushed; rather prettily the Doctor thought. “C S Lewis could not do mathematics, yet he wrote some of the best stories in the world,” Mary stood up as did the Doctor. They walked over to the bin and threw their collected debris into it, “ telling stories are how things are kept alive in people’s minds. All stories are lessons if you are willing to see into them.”

“You and Henry should get along like a house on fire,” Mary said wiping the dust; pencil sharpenings and other mess off her hands. “He thinks I am Snow White.”

“Well,” the Doctor puffed out, “The Brothers Grimm would be overjoyed to meet you.”

With a smile Mary looked again at the Doctor. She wondered why Nyssa had not confessed her feelings to this man. He was lovely to look at and warm to be with: “Hey, why don’t you come over for dinner?” she asked.

“I’d love to,” The Doctor smiled. “No apples though. I am more of a chocolate dessert man.”

“Chocolate dessert it is,” Mary said. “7pm?”

“Yes, 7.”

At 15:15pm Emma was setting up ten various sized targets for Nyssa to shoot at with Ruby’s help and Regina stood fifteen feet away with her arm’s folded with a smirk on her face. No way would Miss Albright be able to shoot at some of these. Emma had spent the hour teaching Nyssa how to quickly load the barrel. Nyssa patted her pockets; yes spares were there. She had taken the pins out of her hair, that Emma had wonderfully put in, and brushed it out. That was better. With her hair flowing down her cheeks and shining down her back in the mid afternoon fall sunshine Nyssa gave the impression that she was like an angel had fallen from heaven. The bright gold haze encompassed Nyssa wonderfully like it was a beacon calling her home.

Watching from the shadows away from the crowd, Mr Gold smiled at how determined and brave she was. The Mayor, on the other hand, wondered what Miss Swan was thinking. Observing Nyssa properly Regina surmised that with wings and the right dress she could be one of those fairies. Definitely nun like in her aspect. A few diners had decided to stay and watch the show.

Ruby had one at the farthest end. She volunteered to be a 21ST century William Tell. Holding an apple in her hand for Nyssa to shoot through. Some distractions were to be set by Emma when she felt it was required. Regina glared at Swan before tossing her head back to Nyssa who clearly looked worried.

With a deep sigh, eyes closed, she stretched her arms up gripping on the gun like it was her life support. Emma almost stopped her right then and there but her new friend snapped her eyes open. Determination quivered visibly through her body.

“You okay?” Emma asked.

“I’m ready,” Nyssa purred. From his hiding spot Mr Gold almost could breathe in her aura of vitality, she really could be the Superior in any relationship. “Just get this over with,” Nyssa hissed. In truth she wanted to be alone with Gold. The new amethyst and gold ring she chose rested comfortably on her finger as it glinted magically in the sun.

“Remember, shoot to wound,” Emma said. “Not to kill. Pretend they are suspects. We want them fit for questioning.”

“I know,” Nyssa said. “I was not trained to kill.”

The ten different life sized paper human silhouettes stood there nailed to wood and anchored to the concrete parking lot patiently waiting to have holes ripped into them.

Emma stood aside, letting her take the first one easily down. Nyssa went for the ankle. “HEY!” Emma shouted to distract Nyssa, swinging around Nyssa aimed the gun and shot the second one clear on the arm! “Come and get me!” Emma exclaimed; running into the line of fire and Nyssa managed to get the third target’s wrist without blinking. Hiding behind some bins Emma threw their lids down on the floor. Nyssa turned momentarily but only  after she had released the fourth bullet into a paper thigh.  Half-way there. Nearly close to shooting through Ruby’s apple.

Now someone, (Leroy), had rushed up to attack Nyssa from behind but she bent down on the floor, shot the fifth target in an ankle of another paper target. The attacker fell onto the floor. Nyssa put her foot on his chest. Nodding in acknowledgment of surrender, Nyssa lifted her foot. The man stood up and walked away. Regina arched an eyebrow, almost impressive. Emma ran up to Nyssa but she was not to be distracted as the sixth target was hit on the foot. Another person rammed into Nyssa so hard she fell on the ground tearing Mary’s jeans at the side and muddying her beautiful top. Not to mention ripping some flesh off Nyssa’s thigh making her bleed, and her knuckles bruised as they grazed on the rough surface of the ground as the gun almost left her hand.  Despite this, Nyssa managed to keep hold of the weapon and righted herself. Emma glared at Regina. Nice try, bitch, she thought. Mr Gold was grinding his teeth and gripped onto his cane swearing profanities under his breath.

No matter though, Nyssa ignored her pain and rolled into kneeling position. Another squeeze of the trigger resulted in a bullet flying beyond her attacker into the seventh target’s shoulder. Emma thought that should be satisfactory but Nyssa flicked open the bullet chamber and quickly deposited new blood into the gun, flicked it closed, whilst having three people running at her. Neatly, Nyssa elbowed one straight in the solar plexus, whilst crouching; causing the other two assailants to tumble down on the floor from mid-air as they collided with each other. With elegance Nyssa rolled over like a hedgehog back into one leg on the floor and the with other with her knee up. Without blinking Nyssa rammed target’s eight and nine into the ankles.  Smiling with satisfaction, Nyssa stood up and strode towards the tenth target - Emma watched Regina nod towards someone and Sidney quietly stepped towards Nyssa. Mr Gold spotted this and wished he had his craft back, so he could frazzle that sycophantic genie to a crisp.

Quietly Sidney picked up a fallen target to use on Nyssa’s elbow. Emma watched helplessly as she was about to see her friend fail at the final hurdle. Carefully; Sidney inched it up, close to Nyssa’s gun wielding elbow as an attempt to tilt her arm up. Emma was about to stop proceedings on grounds of unfairness. Sensing the attempted distraction Nyssa turned around, yelled and lifted her injured leg into a high kick! The stick broke in two pieces. A yelp of pain from Sidney echoed as his hands were splintered with tiny shards of wood digging into his flesh from the shattered remains of the target. “Get the Mayor to suck them out!” Nyssa advised Sidney almost gently. Mr Gold smirked with satisfaction. This was his kind of woman.

Without flinching and in a momentary movement Nyssa spun on her heel whilst releasing the catch making her tenth target just as injured as the other nine. Ruby’s apple was next. Taking several determined steps back Nyssa planted her feet, glared at the apple, thinking of the Master as she did so - eyes afire, lips set, finger on the trigger. Oh my, Mr Gold sighed, you are magnificent. Nyssa let loose the the last bullet.

The entire audience watched with bated breath as they saw the bullet pierce through the apple’s flesh. Ruby had her eyes shut until she felt the squelch of juice in her hand. Hesitantly, Ruby opened them to see a hole through the fence she was positioned by. Eyes wide not blinking in shock.  Spectators glared at the tiny woman who had let loose nearly twelve disabling shots without breaking a sweat.

Slowly the Mayor walked towards Nyssa: “Not bad,” she said, “but this was practice. How can I be certain you are going to be successful in reality?”

Bowing her head Emma was about to defend Nyssa but was shocked at Nyssa’s reply: “Would you like to send another toady to be  live practice run, Madam Mayor?” Ruby rushed to Emma urging her with her eyes to try and stop Nyssa from bad mouthing the Mayor: “No?” Nyssa arched an eyebrow stepping forward making sure she was in the Mayor’s space. “Well then, you are just going to have to trust me, aren’t you?”

With a nasty curl of the lip the Mayor glared at Emma: “Congratulations, Miss Albright. You are Acting Sergeant,” she bent her head down. Nyssa was trying not to cough with the Mayor’s perfume, “maybe some hard knocks will keep you quiet!”

“I have had some hard knocks,” Nyssa whispered back, “and yet I am still speaking.”

Something about this woman seemed to bring out Nyssa’s edge. In some respects, Nyssa preferred it. “I do not think they were hard enough.”

“Are you still bothering our new Acting Sergeant, Regina?” for the first time Emma was pleased Mr Gold had quietly oozed his way into the confrontation.

“Just welcoming her into the payroll.”

“Certainly did not look like that where I was standing.”

“You know I am surprised you make any kind of profit at all, with how little you are in your Pawnbroker’s shop!”

“Rent, Regina - I own the town, remember?” he sneered, “my Pawnbroking shop is just a hobby.”

Rolling her eyes Regina decided this time not to wait for the please and almost petulantly flounced out of the car park. “Well, Acting Sergeant Albright, you really can defend yourself,” Mr Gold leaned down on his cane and winked at her, “don’t mind the Mayor, Nyssa, she will get what is coming to her - I guarantee that.”

“I do feel better with a weapon in my hand,” Nyssa said weighing the gun. “Right now all I care about is that she stays away from the Doctor.”

“What about keeping away from you, Nyssa?” his hand was on her arm as he noticed discolouration on her knuckles and blood seeping out of the ripped clothing, “why do you not ever think of yourself?”

“At this moment in time the Doctor is in more danger than me, I do not know what it is the Mayor wants from the Doctor,” Nyssa took hold of his hand and gazed earnestly into his eyes. Confusion showed through Ruby’s eyes but Emma just tutted silently suggesting for Ruby to not worry about what was happening, “but I do know it would kill him and destroy everything he has ever done - that includes saving me!”

At this Mr Gold pulled her slightly closer towards him in a hug. Truthfully he wanted to kiss her into jelly right then and there but it was different now. In a stranger’s home yes; even though Mary Margaret was not exactly a stranger, but out in the wide open… Yet she looked so desirable through her valor that shone into her complexion due to her exhilarating exercise.

“Just try and control your sarcasm in front of Regina,” Mr Gold sighed as he picked up a coil of her hair and threaded his fingers through, “please?”

“I will try,” Nyssa sighed back walking closer towards him lifting her own hand to caress his, “now why are you here instead of collecting rent or tending to your business?”

“Do you still want to stay with me?” Mr Gold asked Nyssa.

Her throat dried up. Of course it is all that I am thinking about. I just want you all to myself. I do not know why but I do. You make me all giddy and happy. You make me feel like I may be coming home. You make me feel like … like … a woman. All this was going through her mind but all she did was nod her head and ask: “You have many bedchambers?”

“Yes, and you will be given the luxuries you deserve,” Mr Gold leaned down and whispered: “breakfast in bed as an example.”

“Really,” Nyssa whispered back. “Do you have time for that?”

Suddenly mewls of pain were heard and everyone turned around. A scruffy all over ginger kitten stumbled out, dirty - flea bitten with weeping eyes. Followed by a black kitten with oozing puffy eyes. Just as flea ridden. Mew, mew, mew. Wheeze, mew, mew, mew. Mr Gold limped over to them and moved the bin aside with his cane where he saw a white ragged kitten being licked by her poor weak mother.

“Oh they are so sweet!” Ruby exclaimed over his shoulder. “What the hell has happened?”

Nyssa tried to open the eyes of the ginger kitten but he dug his claws into her flesh: “Shshshsh,” she said soothingly. “Come on, we’re trying to help!” she picked him up by the scruff of his neck. “Is there an Animal Practitioner nearby?” she asked.

Mr Gold noticed a once spangly collar now practically soiled with some sequins still attached. “They were owned at one time, that much is certain,” he said.

“Who would dump a mother cat out on the street with kittens?” Emma asked.

“Someone with no feeling heart,” Ruby responded.

The adult mother gazed with blue eyes, pitifully up at Mr Gold; with the little strength she had left she picked up the white kitten with her mouth and pushed her on Gold’s arm before going to sleep.

“There is a Veterinary practise,” Emma said. “We all take one each.”

Ruby picked up the black kitten, Emma took the adult female. “I just hope they’ll be alright,” Nyssa said stroking the ginger one.

“I am sure they will be,” Mr Gold murmured.

“What if it is me that has caused their suffering!” Nyssa suddenly exclaimed. “What if I hurt them? Made their distress ultimately fatal!”

“These cats have been in agony for awhile now and there aren’t any fresh wounds,” Ruby reassured Nyssa, “you poor little baby,” she cooed to the one cradled in her arm. “You’re my little goth cat, aren’t you?” The dark kitten yawned and snuggled into Ruby.

“Mr Gold,” Nyssa asked, “if these cats turn out well, you will promise to look for homes for them?”

Tilting his head down so he could see the white kitten he was holding Mr Gold smiled: “You never know,” his eyes lit up, “I may keep them all for myself!”

Slamming the door shut to her office, Regina threw her briefcase on her desk and snarled as she stormed up to the liquor tray. It was times like this she regretted not being able to keep her gift. One thing she did not regret was making Snow White suffer. Even though there was so much she could do Regina knew when to time revenge. It was like good comedy, say the punchline too long after the set up it fell flat, saying it too quickly led to confusion. Neither were satisfactory.

Shaking her head Regina poured herself a stiff whiskey: “Drinking is bad for your health dear Regina!”

“You!” Regina snarled whipping her head around. “Why are you here?”

“You do realise I have given you an answer to your problem?”

“Really?” Regina smirked gulping down the rest. “You said she was a pushover,” she pointed the glass in his direction, “You said she was sweet,” Regina took a slow step forward, “You said she was useless.”

“I do not recall saying those words,” her companion sighed. “I recall I described her as pretty,  that she had little understanding of Earth customs, and would not hurt a fly!”

Regina arched an eyebrow at the man before her. If he were part of her realm she may have considered him as a husband: “Same thing!” she sneered as she turned around and put the empty glass back on the silver tray. “It turns out your maiden in distress is actually quite capable of speaking up for herself,” Regina tapped her fingers on the tray.  Catlike grace Regina stalked around her desk to sit on her chair. “Looking after herself and can actually use a gun better than my last Sheriff.”

“Your last Sheriff was a puppy!”

“He was my puppy!” Regina swung around fiercely defending Graham.

“It was not I that killed him,” her friend stated coolly. Regina snorted at his accurate statement, “so, she met your challenge. What is the matter with that? She is bound to stay, which means the Doctor is also going to stay.”

“What is it with you and this Doctor?”

“Why do you despise Mary Margaret so much?”

With a wicked grin Regina looked at the square-jawed, bearded man opposite her: “Touché!”

“Do I detect some difficulty?”

“Unfortunately,” Regina ground her teeth, “it seems Mr Gold has taken somewhat of a shine for the young cat!”

“Is he going to be a hindrance?”

“I sorted out this little difficulty out before,” Regina smirked, “I can do so again.”

“No,” the man said. “If she has her attention on someone else it means the Doctor is left vulnerable. This Mr Gold has fallen into the plan unwittingly.”

“Without a deal?” Madam Mayor licked her lips as her eyes lit up with a gleam that would have frightened any other being. “Perhaps you are right. It is no matter of mine that Gold becomes a puddle at the first pair of big blue eyes he comes across,” Regina sat back flicking her hair out of her face.

“Nyssa is more than just a pair of big blue eyes. I watched her grow up. Every minute of her life did not go unnoticed by me.”

“So why is she not with you?”

“I wanted her to be,” the man sighed. “I was thinking of saving her for myself until the Doctor showed up.”

“You really hate this Doctor,” Regina smiled.

“My life would be his death!” the man snarled leaning forward. “But as a rather talented Maestro I can rewrite things, change certain events, modify history.”

“I need to see some proof before I strike a deal with you, Maestro!” Regina also leaned forward their faces an inch apart. Sizzling with a coordinated deceptive intrigue Regina realised this man was actually quite desirable. If Henry was not due any time soon she would have ripped his odd tunic off his body and had him then and there.

Smirking as he read her thoughts, the Maestro brought out a pad of what looked like ordinary paper and a pen.

“Add this” he said after he ripped a sheet out. “to your son’s book,” with a bow of her head Regina took the paper, “I feel it is befitting of the story you wish to change.”


“I will leave you to figure that one out, dear Regina,” the Maestro stood up. When he reached the door he turned around and winked, “you can do what you want with what I have written - it is up to you!”

With that he walked out of the room leaving Regina staring at the sheet of paper - some words were changed from one story. Some very important words. Shaking her head Regina took the book out from the drawer in her desk and found the spot where it would fit perfectly.  This was no ordinary paper - somehow the words changed on the book.

Stunned, Regina blinked, what power was this? Examining it closely Regina could see nothing suspicious from this piece of paper. No, it looked like ordinary wood pulp.

Yet the words changed in the book.

“Oh this is going to be good!” Regina smirked sitting back with her arms folded, “I cannot wait to see how this plays out!”

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