Cross Way

Well, dearies - some rumour tells me of a species that holds two hearts: Better not tell The Evil Queen!

CROSS WAY - Where ALL Fantasies can come true!

Not the girl! She is my pleasure to look at! MINE!

Ahem, my Hostage has done well in spreading the message of my fabulousness SO I have allowed her to talk about this fascinating race.  She seems particularly obsessed with one called the Doctor... ah well, Dearies - this is for her.  Links to stories involving yours truly with this Doctor and his usually beautiful companions is to be centered right here!

Besides, dearies ... I do like well pressed shirt!

Well, the Doctor thought, we are certainly not in Kansas anymore!

As the TARDIS suddenly leaps into her own actions baffling the 750 year old Timelord and his latest companion, Nyssa of Traken: Emma Swan goes on a date with Mr Gold. It seems the man cannot leave her alone. It is either him standing feet away from her with a strange tilt of the head, or Regina Mills storming into wherever she was at the time with her own brand of anger. She wants to gauge at least one of them.  

The TARDIS lands in a quiet seaside town in Maine. Quaintly called Storybrooke.  But the Doctor feels something strange about the residents: why, when he met the town Psychiatrist, did he want to give a little whistle? What was it about Mary Margaret Blanchard, the respected schoolmistress, that made the Doctor want to warn her about eating apples? When he met the Mayor he shuddered in trepidation! As for the Pawn Broker, Mr Gold, the Doctor could not make him out. Everyone called him Mr Gold as if he did not have a first name - which rang bells in the Doctor's mind, he knew only too well the power of a name.

Once the Mayor finds out the Doctor has two hearts she maps out her own machiavellian schemes that could destroy, not only Storybrooke but the world! It turns out she is not alone. Someone else is there, guiding her to destroy the Doctor and ruin Nyssa.  Someone who has desired the destruction of the Doctor for centuries. Someone who seems to be adding his own pages to the book.

Pages that turn The Doctor into Prince Charming and Nyssa into Rumpelstiltskin's sexy accomplice.  As the story of the Enchanted Kingdom changes, so it reflects on the real world.

Slowly Nyssa begins to forget whom she really is. Painfully the Doctor is feeling his hearts fade.  Again it looks like Mary Margaret will be all alone.

Happily Ever After do not exist in the real world. Neither do they happen in the Enchanted Kingdom.

As the guardian of the book it seems Henry is the only one to save the world!

The Golden Friend
A Golden Opportunity
Target Practice
The Trickster

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